Community Languages Australia

Australian Federation of Ethnic Schools Associations Inc.


CLA's Recent Planning and Monitoring Activities

This article provides an overview of CLA's recent planning and monitoring activities, which it regularly undertakes to further improve its operational effectiveness.

National Survey - Parental Attitudes at Community Language Schools

Parents are a key stakeholder who can provide a comprehensive view into the experience of community language learning of their children in community language schools. This Report a first of its kind in Australia and commissioned by Community Languages Australia attempts to probe deeper into current issues. Find the full report and a summary of key outcomes here.

The 2020 Forum, a National Roundtable for Languages Policy Discussion

To facilitate national discussion around a national languages policy and the place of languages in education, CLA brings academics and members of the Department together at "the Forum". Take a look at outcomes in the report attached to this article.


NATIONAL LANGUAGES STRATEGY Get All Teachers to Participate in a National Survey by the AFMLTA to Shape the Future of Languages Education in Australia


ACT NEWS 1. ACT THE FIRST AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT TO BEGIN EACH SITTING DAY IN AN INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE. From 30 July 2020, the Acknowledgement of Country by the speaker at the start of each sitting day of the ACT Legislative Assembly will be in the Ngunnawal language. The wording has been determined in consultation with the United Ngunnawal Elders Council.

Translated resources on current coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions

There are now in-language materials available - including posters, social media banners and translated audio messages - explaining the current restrictions and encouraging anyone who has any coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, however mild, to seek advice and get tested.

What is CyberParent?

The Australian Multicultural Foundation (AMF) has developed an app on Android and Apple devices called CyberParent which encourages safe and healthy internet use in Australian homes.

​Online Virtual Classroom Protocols

Community Languages Australia encourages schools to move to the virtual classroom model at this time. It allows for contact with parents and students. That�s a good thing � we need to support each other. However we strongly urge you to follow all the protocols of Working with Children and Child Safety Policies

Corona Virus and the impact on Community Language Schools

The Community Languages Australia Council met on 16 March 2020 to discuss the current situation relating the Corona Virus and the impact on Community Language Schools around Australia.

A DAY OF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING - A Tasmanian experience Workshop, Advocacy & Support

A DAY OF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING - A Tasmanian experience Workshop, Advocacy & Support SUNDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2020 10.00am - 3.30pm Training Room 1, Glenorchy Library, 4 Terry Street, Glenorchy

How aged-care facilities can become language labs for preschoolers

In Australia there are limited opportunities for young children to be immersed in language. There are also few trained second-language carers, educators and teachers working in early childhood.

16Th National Community Languages Schools Conference


2019 SBS National Language Competition

2019 SBS National Languages Competition launches on Monday 26th August.


Exciting times for community language schools in Australia . On National and State basis we have received increased funding, which will benefit all schools. More about this later- NATIONAL COMMUNITY LANGUAGE SCHOOLS DAY 3rd SATURDAY IN MAY EACH YEAR This year it falls on Saturday May 18, 2019 ( which happens to be Election Day)

Community Languages Australia Parent Project Survey

​Community Languages Parent Project

Exciting news!

Queensland MiaoMiao Chinese School celebrating International Mother Day

Queensland MiaoMiao Chinese School celebrating International Mother Day

New Chinese Language and Culture School Celebrating International Mother Day

New Chinese Language and Culture School Celebrating International Mother Day

ESAQ celebrating International Mother Tongue Day

The Ethnic Schools Association of Queensland Committee celebrating the International Mother Tongue Day

Contact Us

Community Languages Australia

Executive Officer: Fahry Abubaker

L2, 189 Faraday St,
Carlton Vic 3053

Phone: (03) 9349-2683
Fax: (03) 9349-26893