Community Languages Australia

Australian Federation of Ethnic Schools Associations Inc.

National CLS Sector Perspectives 2024 - Your Insights Are Needed!

AFESA-CLA is undertaking a short Research Project on Imagining the Future of Community Language Schools in the Australian Landscape.

The purpose of this research is to examine the trends in community language schools, how we can promote our work and what strategies should we employ to become more effective providers of language education.

We've divided the questions into five key areas that we are keen to get your thoughts and observations on:

1) Strategic Position

2) Language Education Trends

3) Improved Participation Rates

4) Increased Parent Involvement

5) National Language Policy

We would appreciate if you would take some time to reflect on these questions and answer to the utmost of your ability. Your answers may help us shape the future of the entire community language schools sector!

Your responses will be kept confidential and used to compile a report that will be delivered to the Commonwealth Department of Education for further actioning as much as possible.

Kindly go here to share your insights now:

We would appreciate these responses by May 31, 2024 - thank you so much for making this a priority in the coming days!

If you would prefer to answer these questions in a 1:1 Zoom meeting with me where I ask you the questions, I am making myself available over the next few days to hold a 30-minutes casual conversation with you (with a cup of coffee or tea in hand!

Contact Us

Community Languages Australia

Executive Officer: Fahry Abubaker

L2, 189 Faraday St,
Carlton Vic 3053

Phone: (03) 9349-2683
Fax: (03) 9349-26893