Community Languages Australia

Australian Federation of Ethnic Schools Associations Inc.

Language Education in Australia

Salzburg Statement for a Multilingual World


• All 193 UN member states and most people are multilingual.
•7,097 languages are currently spoken across the world.
•2,464 of these are endangered1.
•23 languages dominate, spoken by over one half of the world’s population2.
•40% of people have no access to education in a language they understand3.
•617 million children and adolescents do not achieve minimum proficiency levels in reading4.
•244 million people are international migrants, of whom 20 million are refugees, a 41% increase since 20005. Migrants and refugees alone would constitute the 5th most populous country in the world6.
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The Plan articulates how the Government will support all schools, teachers, and students to realize the language education vision.

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Victorian Government's Vision for Languages Education

The Victorian Government’s Vision for Languages Education was launched by the Minister for Education and the Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship on Monday 7 November, 2011.

This document outlines the Government’s commitment to languages education and explains why it has made this a priority, the benefits for a student's personal development and the social and economic benefits.

Implementation plan

The Victorian Government's Vision for Languages Education signalled the development of an implementation plan to support the languages commitment. The Minister for Education and the Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship launched Languages - expanding your world: Plan to implement The Victorian Government's Vision for Languages Education 2013-2025 during Education Week 2013.

To access the Plan, which articulates how the Government will support all schools, teachers and students to realise the languages education vision, see: Languages - expanding your world: Plan to implement The Victorian Government's Vision for Languages Education 2013-2025

Australian Curriculum

The Australian Curriculum sets consistent national standards to improve learning outcomes for all young Australians. It sets out, through content descriptions and achievement standards, what students should be taught and achieve, as they progress through school. It is the base for future learning, growth and active participation in the Australian community. ACARA develops the Australian Curriculum through rigorous, consultative national processes.

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School Language Programme

Languages Other than English is one of the eight key learning areas in the National Goals for Schooling in the Twenty-First Century which continues to guide curriculum policy and programmes operating in Australian schools. Languages education in schools is primarily the responsibility of State and Territory education authorities.

Through the School Languages Programme (SLP) the Government is providing $110 million over the next four years (2005 – 2008) to State and Territory education authorities to support the teaching and learning of Asian, European, Australian Indigenous languages and Auslan in schools and community language programmes in ethnic schools. 

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National Statement and Plan on Languages Education in Australian Schools

The National Statement for Languages Education in Australian Schools provides an overarching framework for State, Territory and Australian Government activities. It affirms the place of languages education in the school curriculum, and describes the purpose and nature of learning languages. This National Plan for Languages Education in Australian Schools, as an initial four-year Plan for 2005-2008, reflects an agreed commitment by all Ministers of Education to act together to address areas of common concern. 

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Review of the Commonwealth Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Programme

This report presents the findings and recommendations of an external review of the Commonwealth Languages Other Than English (LOTE) in Schools Programme. It investigates the Commonwealth's role in language education in Australia. It includes a discussion on the implementation and provision of language programs and the extent of government involvement. This Review, conducted by Erebus Consulting Partners on behalf of the Australian Government in 2002 recommended a new national policy to provide a broader framework that encompassed both language and cultural studies, and that had intercultural awareness and engagement as the underpinning rationale.

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Contact Us

Community Languages Australia

Executive Officer: Fahry Abubaker

L2, 189 Faraday St,
Carlton Vic 3053

Phone: (03) 9349-2683
Fax: (03) 9349-26893